Year Four Notice Board
Class Reading Books for Spring Term
New Parent Portal Launches at Belmont!
My Child At School (MCAS) will revolutionise the partnership between home and school.
Please check you email for the registration code.
The code expires after 24 hours.
IMPORTANT: Many children do not have a glue stick. Please send one in for your child to use.
Swimming - Is a statutory part of the curriculum so all children must attend
- Please make sure your child's clothes are labelled and that shoes with laces can be tied independently.
- If your child is not swimming e.g. they are not well enough, please send a note in to Ms Beatty or Miss Abdullah
New lunch menu - please discuss meal choices with your child so they know what the choice is for that day.
Please remember the children should have a healthy snack for morning playtime.
Support Staff
Reading for Pleasure books for class
As part of our focus on reading in school, we would like to develop the lending library of books within each class. This will enable the children to foster a passion and love of reading at Belmont and ensure that they have access to high quality texts.
Please find links to the book list that has a variety of books that we would love to have in class. Once a book has been donated to the class we will add a tick to show we now have it. Please check the list to ensure that the book that you would like to donate is one that we don't already have.
These books will be stamped to show who has generously donated them and shared with all the class.
The books come from the Recommended Books for Year 4 List which can be found below.
Love reading 4 schools (Year 4)
Spring Term
Our topic this term is 'Rivers'
The below list is part of an initiative called Word Aware that we are using in school. We thought it would be helpful to share this list with you so that you can use some of these words at home when discussing the topic. If your child speaks a different language at home, it would be helpful to discuss and translate these words using your home language. We may add to this list during the topic as new words are introduced.
Knowledge Organisers
Further information about the learning in history and geography is available on our new Knowledge Organisers. These are available on the Maple and Rowan Google Classrooms in the Classwork tab. The link will be updated when the children have joined their new Google classroom.
Maple Google Classroom Rowan Google Classroom
As you may be aware Belmont uses a cursive handwriting scheme for those children who can consistently form all non-cursive letters correctly.
Here is a link to the handwriting guidelines to enable you to support your children practising letter formation at home.
Belmont Handwriting Guidelines
PE Days
Rowan and Maple class on Monday. Children are to come to school in full PE kit.
Rowan and Maple class swimming on Tuesday. Please wear full school uniform and bring your swimming kit in a bag.
Weekly Routines
Monday |
Bring in Reading Record Rowan and Maple PE
Tuesday |
Swimming Times table test
Wednesday |
French - Maple and Rowan Bring in homework. Spelling test |
Thursday |
Music |
Friday |
Calendar/ Key dates
Home Learning
For further information about Home Learning and ideas on how to support your child please click here.
Reading |
Daily (15-20 mins) Please ensure that all books are recorded in the reading record along with the dates that reading has taken place. Please sign/initial these entries. Comments about the book and your child's reading are welcomed. Three comments per week is ideal. Reading records are checked on Monday, however; reading books can be changed on any day. Children may borrow books from the classroom library and the Junior Library. Please note that children are responsible for changing their own books. |
Grammar & Punctuation |
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling book
Spelling |
The words are listed below. These words are set on a Tuesday for a spelling dictation task the following Tuesday. |
Maths |
Maths homework book.
Times Tables |
Children will be tested weekly, in school, on the level they have been given for homework. These websites will help make learning at home fun and maximise results. Times Tables Challenges can be printed here. Times Tables Rock Stars |
Creative Home Learning | Details are on Google Classroom. |
This week:
Grammar & Punctuation |
Page 50-51 Apostrophes for missing letters Page 91 Soft c sound
Maths: |
My Maths Activities - Perimeter of a rectangle - small step - Calculating perimeter - small step Times Tables Rockstars |
Spellings |
Learning in school this week: | Assessment Weeks: 10.02.25 & 24.02.25 |
English | Newspapers |
Maths |
Length and perimeter |
Learning next week: | |
English | Newspapers |
Maths | Length and perimeter |
French homework is optional but we recommend children use Year 4's French Google Classroom, Linguascope and Belmont's French Website to consolidate what has been taught in class.
French Google Classroom
All year 4 children have be invited to their French Google classroom where they can find French tasks and activities.
Belmont French Website
Go to Belmont's French website to find out what we have been doing in class and for extra activities and videos. The French website is updated regularly. Children must login to their Belmont Google account to access the website.
We recommend children use Linguascope regularly to learn French and other languages. The Linguascope link and log in details can be found in year 4's French Google classroom.