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GSO Test

Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Be Safe,
Be Respectful,
Be A Learner

  • "A school that doesn't just excel at the academics but provides so much more, whether its music lessons and the lunchtime choir, or the 350 spaces in clubs each week, the football and netball teams or the shows that raise the roof of the top hall."Parent Governor
  • "There are many things I love about Belmont, but what stands out for me is the focus on the individual - my son's teachers have an in-depth understanding of him, they really 'get' him and know how to motivate him to learn. There are high standards of teaching, done in such a child-centered way, that our son loves learning."   Parent
  • Leaders and governors want pupils to achieve their best. All staff share this view. The broad and rich curriculum they provide supports pupils’ academic and personal development. Pupils build their knowledge and skills effectively across all curriculum subjects. Pupils receive work that reflects their teachers’ high expectations of them.OFSTED 2022

  • Reading is given high priority. Phonics development is strong. This, along with daily reading sessions in school and at home with parents, helps pupils excel  OFSTED 2022
  • Pupils conduct themselves extremely well around school. Pupils play happily together during their break times. Pupils said that they can talk to adults if they need help, and that bullying is dealt with swiftly if it occurs. OFSTED 2022

  • The school’s friendly atmosphere nurtures pupils, who are polite, kind and respectful to one another and to adults. OFSTED 2022

  • There is a strong focus on pupils’ personal development. Pupils learn to appreciate different faiths and cultures. Pupils learn to be caring, active and responsible citizens through the array of opportunities available to them, for example trips, sporting clubs and financial enterprise OFSTED 2022

  • Teaching is strong. Teachers make learning fun, which inspires pupils to learn. OFSTED 2022