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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Our Curriculum

Intent:  To build knowledge and skills for all children in preparation for the next stage in education and life as engaged and successful citizens of the future.  Learning is creative and enquiry led to develop inquisitive learners who deepen their knowledge and understanding in all areas of the curriculum.  Cultural capital is developed for all children through opportunities that enhance the curriculum including mapped educational visits and workshops across the school and  enrichment weeks e.g. STEM.  These contribute to narrowing the gap for SEND and disadvantaged pupils.

Implementation:  The School delivers a rich and varied curriculum that carefully builds knowledge and skills taught through subjects and wider opportunities such as Forest School and the Kitchen Garden.  Children's understanding of physical and mental well-being is promoted through PSHE, PE and wider school life. Cultural capital through a broad and rounded curriculum exposes our pupils to a large variety of subject areas and arts; promoting character-building qualities that lead to creating well-rounded, global citizens-asking the questions. We carefully target use of pupil premium to encourage social mobility and equity. Some creative ways we use our school premium whilst developing cultural capital include:

Funding school trips

Investing in technology to help children learn e.g. tablets

After school clubs

Providing music lessons

Trips out in the locality as well as further afield

Financial enterprise is woven into the curriculum and developed through fundraising opportunities such as annual class stalls.  These also contribute to opportunities to raise money for charity and display acts of kindness within the community e.g. the choir singing in local residential homes for senior citizens.  Our broad and exciting curriculum is represented in this diagram:


our belmont curriculum 2019.pdf

The practice in Nursery and Reception is directed by the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This curriculum is designed to support practitioners working with children from birth to the age of five, on the premise that children's early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure, and support their development, care and learning needs.

For more detail on specific curriculum areas, please follow the links below.English    Mathematics   Science Computing    E-Safety   Geography History   Art and Design    Design  Technology   Music    Religious Education   Physical Education     PSHE Modern Foreign Languages 



Our statement for Catch Up at Belmont in response to Covid-19.