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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Early Years Foundation Stage 



At Belmont Primary School we are committed to providing a high quality Early Years education which gives children a secure and confident start to their school life and nurtures a lifelong love of learning.  We offer the children a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.  All children begin school with a variety of experiences and learning. It is the privilege of the Early Years practitioners to build upon that prior learning and experience. This is done through a holistic approach to learning, ensuring that parents, carers, and teachers work effectively together to support all children's learning and development. We aim to ensure there are regular opportunities for children to participate in activities that provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to understand how to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society and enrich Cultural Capital. Children acquire a wide vocabulary and secure knowledge of phonics through focused teaching.



Children have access to a stimulating and inspiring indoor and outdoor learning environment with resources chosen to meet the children’s needs and promote learning. We encourage confidence, independence and a desire to learn.  Books are used to support learning in all areas of the indoor and outdoor learning environments and stories/poems and rhymes are read/sung aloud frequently. Children have opportunities to develop and embed maths skills in a wide range of contexts. Parents/carer's feel equipped to support children in all areas of the curriculum.



Children develop detailed knowledge and skills across the seven areas of learning in an age-appropriate way. The majority of children achieve the early learning goals, particularly in mathematics and literacy.   Children use their knowledge of phonics to read accurately and with increasing speed and fluency. Ensure children's vocabulary and understanding of language develops across the all areas of learning through appropriate labels, texts, poems, rhymes and songs. 




Please find the EYFS policy in the Policy and Procedures page on the website.