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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Vision, Values and Priorities

Our Vision -'Every Voice is Heard' ...Inspire- Nurture- Flourish

One of our key priorities is to build an even better school based on raising the profile of what really matters with a focus on being a Listening School-'Every Voice is Heard'. Our vision reflects our aim to inspire all children regardless of their background or circumstances, to flourish within a nurturing environment whilst striving for excellence in all that we do. We believe in children learning knowledge and skills-'knowing more and remembering more' to prepare them for the next stage in their education and life as engaged and successful citizens of the future. To achieve this, our school values: 'Be Safe', 'Be Respectful' and 'Be a Learner' are explored and embedded in all aspects of school life and are the values we feel best equip our pupils to achieve this.  

Our unique Belmont Way is embedded in everything we do for both pupils and staff and underlines our commitment to supporting all pupils in their journey to achieve their unique and full potential.

The Belmont Way!

  • All children love learning and are able to make connections using prior knowledge
  • All teachers love teaching and teaching is consistently good or better
  • All pupils to be enthusiastic about learning and develop a positive image of themselves as learners as well as feeling valued and cared for
  • Aim to achieve the highest possible standards across the curriculum
  • High quality presentation/handwriting in books
  •  Vibrant displays and exciting learning environments
  • All staff know how to keep children safe and there is high quality pastoral support
  • Effective team work/strong relationships built on respect and professionalism
  • A climate that engages, enables and energises
  • Staff feel supported with managing work load and well being
  • Rich vocabulary and high quality reading texts in all classrooms
  • A commitment to reading for pleasure
  • Positive and consistent behaviour management


We are an inclusive school, the first in Hounslow to be awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark, and are committed to ensuring sustained progress and high standards of achievement for all our pupils. 



 Summary of Key Priorities 2024-25

 We have 6 focused priorities where we seek to enrich and expand the children’s experience and curricula offer. 

This has been driven by whole school self evaluation of strengths and areas to develop

•To further focus on consistency of high expectations, non negotiables, The Belmont Way

•Develop an outward focus: seeking out other schools that demonstrate excellence in any or all of the priority areas, building relationships and cherry-picking the best ideas to improve practice at Belmont

•To develop pupil responsibility and leadership across the school ensuring they are meaningfully involved in school improvement through pupil voice – children show strong team work, leadership, and an understanding of democracy as well as developing resilience and confidence

•Ensure all staff  have a consistent approach to managing challenging behaviour whilst at the same time developing aspects of a pupil's personal development, behaviour and attitudes to enable pupils to be confident, happy and thrive at school.

•To embed updated behaviour policy and monitor consistency following pupils returning to school.

•To develop the emotionally regulated classroom- staff to develop their skills in using positive reinforcement and language to regulate and co-regulate alongside the child  to manage emotional and dysregulated behaviours.

•Review and refresh our curriculum offer to inject creativity and new ideas/resources/trips/workshops and books. To develop the sue of technology to enhance the curriculum eg VR and Now Press Play

• Improve standards of writing across the school from EYFS to Year 6 to ensure progression and age appropriate expectations are met with a greater % of pupils achieving greater depth

•Ensure opportunities to develop and extend oracy and performance through debating

•To continue to develop Forest School and Gardening sessions as part of a regular timetable of lessons

•Develop the Early Years outdoor provision in line with Early Excellence vision

•To make White Rose Maths more bespoke to Belmont with the use of practical equipment to support reasoning and problem solving across the school whilst developing challenge opportunities for more able pupils  

•Continue to embed reading for meaning and for pleasure and to implement strategies form Get Hounslow reading for pleasure Initiative for Early Years

•Use work sampling to identify cohort teaching and learning gaps and plug these gaps

•Teachers reshape tasks to provide the appropriate support and the right level of challenge to help pupils make rapid progress with a focus on questioning skills and accelerated learning

•Teachers’ questioning is consistently effective so that it probes pupils’ thinking, challenges understanding, deepens learning and encourages responses that are clear

•Streamline channels of communication to parents and further develop the school website. Introduce a parent portal.