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Nursery Admissions September 2025

Children born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 are eligible for a nursery place in September 2025. Applications will open in January 2025. 

Our nursery has 52 places for 15 hours per week and we also offer additional paid for sessions for up to another 15 hours per week.

Parents can apply for a nursery place directly to the School by completing an application form and returning it to the School Office.  “Starting in a Hounslow School Nursery in September 2025” is available on a PDF on the Hounslow website  www.hounslow.gov.uk/nurseryadmissions.  Forms can be requested from the Office or downloaded from the Hounslow Council website (address above) from January.   All applications must be submitted no later than March 2025 to the school either via email (messages@belmont.hounslow.sch.uk) or by bringing a physical copy of the form to reception. 

Where the number of children applying by the published closing date exceeds the number of places, applications are considered in the following order of priority: 

1. Looked after or previously looked after children

2. Exceptional Medical and Social Need

3. Sibling

4. Children of staff – children of any member of staff

5. Distance

Once a child is accepted, parents will be given the opportunity to pay for additional sessions, so their child can come for a full day. These additional places are subject to availability and allocated on a first come, first served basis. For more details, click the link below. 

Paid for places at Nursery

Open Days

Please see our admissions page for open day dates and sign ups. There will be additional open days for Nursery later in the year which will be specific for nursery but you are very welcome to come along to the general ones taking place this term. 

Our facilities and ethos

The Nursery is self-contained, with its own entrance, three spacious rooms, toilet facilities and an outdoor area.  We aim to develop a love for learning, creativity and problem solving, encouraging children to become independent learners through playing and exploring as well as through fun, adult-directed activities that aim to further support or extend their learning. The children have opportunities to practise and consolidate new skills and to apply their learning in different contexts in a stimulating environment with a wide range of resources that are easily accessible for child initiated learning both inside and outside.

We provide the children with opportunities to enable them to understand how to be responsible, respectful, active citizens through an understanding of our Belmont Values: Be Safe, Be a Learner and Be Respectful.


The induction period for children in the Nursery is carefully planned to develop the relationships between home and school and to allow each child to become known as an individual and to feel confident and secure within the setting.  Early in the autumn term, the class teacher and another member of the nursery team make a home visit to each child.  Children and their parents are also invited for a drop-in morning or afternoon with the other children due to attend the same sessions.  This enables staff, children and parents to begin to get to know one another and gives parents the opportunity to ask questions.  In their first two weeks, children attend for half their sessions so that group sizes are kept small.

If you have any queries about Belmont nursery, please contact the school office, who will be glad to assist.