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School structure


Belmont is a two-form entry primary school  with 420 full-time places for 4-11 year olds and 52 part-time places for nursery-aged children.  Nursery children attend for 15 hours each week.  Each year group from Reception - Year 6 has 60 pupils in two classes of 30.  The School is organised so that children in the same year group regularly share activities to develop a year group identity. Children may be periodically regrouped between the two classes as they move through the school.

 The school has four phases, as follows:

 Early Years: Nursery and Reception (3-5 year olds)

There are two Nursery groups, each with 26 children.  The Nursery team comprises the class teacher and two Early Years practitioners.  The two Reception classes each have a full-time Early Years practitioner as well as class teacher.  Early years is based on the ground floor, where there is free-flow between the indoor and outdoor learning areas.  The children also have access to facilities such as the Infant Library, ICT suite, kitchen garden and forest school.


Key Stage 1: Years 1 and 2 (5-7 year olds)

The Year 1 and Year 2 classes each have a full-time class teacher and their own teaching assistant every morning.  Further teaching or assistant support may be provided according to the needs of individuals or groups.  These classes regularly make use of the Infant Library and have their own area in the playground, where they have both a morning and an afternoon playtime and designated PE sessions. Year 1 children have weekly Forest School and gardening sessions to aid the transition from Early Years. 


Lower Key Stage 2: Years 3 and 4 (7-9 year olds)

Children become juniors in Year 3 and get access to Junior Library, Junior ICT suite and playground as well as the upper halls.  Year 2 children are the first year group to be represented on School Council.


Upper Key Stage 2: Years 5 and 6 (9-11 year olds) 

These older pupils take increasing responsibility within the School community as they prepare to make the transition to secondary school.  They have the opportunity to apply to join the Eco Team, Sports Committee or become a Digital Leader.