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 Year One Notice Board

Books we are reading in class this term include: 

     On the Way Home Ruby’s Worry: A Big Bright Feelings Book : Percival, Tom, Percival, Tom:  Amazon.co.uk: Books


 Living in the UK: England Living in the UK: Northern Ireland Living in the UK: Wales: No. 2 : Lynch, Annabelle: Amazon.co.uk: Books Living in the UK: Scotland


My Child At School

New Parent Portal Launches at Belmont!

My Child At School (MCAS) will revolutionise the partnership between home and school.

Please check you email for the registration code.

The code expires after 24 hours.



We have sent home a log in sheet for Numbots. This maths resource can be used at home at any time as additional homework if you wish to use it. We don't allocate the work, the computer sets the questions based on the children's answers so it is very personalised, interactive and quick. Some pupils might need help to read some of the questions but refrain from helping too much as the computer will then generate much tougher questions which won't be based on their individual knowledge.


Glue sticks - Please provide a glue stick for your child.

Many children are in need of a replacement glue stick to be kept in class. Please can these be provided. Cheap, small or coloured/scented ones are not really suitable as they don't stick or last long. Kind regards.


Phonics Screening Check Update 

The UK Government have recently updated the information to parents regarding the Phonics Screening Check. Information is available here: Phonics-screening-check-information-for-parents

We will be sharing more information in the summer term.


Phonics support for parents

Following our presentation to parents about the Little Wandle phonics programme for year 1. The links below go through the content being taught and how you can support your child at home. This information is also available on the Little Wandle website alongside resources and videos which you may find useful.

Parent-handout Year 1 - Autumn

Tricky-words-for-parents -Phase 5

Little Wandle Reading Books

We will give out books to those children whose parents have paid the deposit AND signed the agreement. These books are in the plastic zippy wallets with a bookmark which has the child's name on it. We give these LW books out each Monday so please can these be returned the following Monday. This allows us time to do our 3 reads per week. We will continue to also add these books onto the E-Collins as an eBook.

If you are not sure if you have paid AND signed the consent or if you want your child to have the book to take home then please see your class teacher. 

Reading for Pleasure

As part of our continued focus on reading in school, we would like to continue the lending library of books within each class. This will enable the children to foster a passion and love of reading at Belmont and ensure that they have access to high quality texts.
Please find links to the book list that has a variety of books that we would love to have in class.  Once a book has been donated to the class we will add a tick to show we now have it.  Please check the list to ensure that the book that you would like to donate is one that we don't already have.
These books will be stamped to show who has generously donated them and shared with all the class. The books come from the Recommended Books for Year 1 List which can be found on the link below and the image has been ticked to show which we already have copies of in school.

Year 1 Recommended Book List


We  set homework for each child which is linked to our maths learning in class. This homework is set on Monday and children have a week to complete it before the following Monday. Information about the homework is on the class Google Classroom. (Links to these are below) Go to the 'Classwork' tab and then 'Autumn Term Home Learning'. 

Log-in sheets for each pupil will be sent home ASAP but this will be after a week or two of starting as we await this to be set up. The QR code for Discovery Education had to be updated therefore we have given you an updated copy. The previous QR code on the sheets you may have retained from their Reception class will no longer work. (All other log in details have remained the same.)

There is a separate sheet which has the information required to log in to MyMaths. As with all log in and personal information please keep these somewhere safe. Take a photo of the log in sheet might be helpful.

Year 1 Welcome Letter 2024

Autumn Learning Tree 

Spring Learning Tree


Book bags need to be in school every Monday

Daily Little Wandle phonics groups continue in Year 1. In a similar way to Reception, phonics will be taught in groups by all Year 1 staff. Three times a week the children also read with an adult as part of a smaller group. These reading sessions work on decoding, prosody and comprehension. At the end of the week, we will allocate this book to your child on the Collins website. New books will be allocated at the end of each week. Please login at home so that your child can share this with you and show you what they have been learning in school. Please add a comment in your child’s reading record every week to show this has been done. 

In addition to this, every Monday your child will bring home a sharing book. These books are recommended Year 1 texts- both fiction and non-fiction. They are labelled with a shiny Year 1 sticker. Please enjoy these together. These books are returned and allocated every Monday. Please add a comment in your child’s reading record to show this has been done. Children will also visit the school infant library and choose a book to bring home. Please also return these alongside the other book on Mondays (Pears) and Tuesday (Cherries).


Diary Dates 


Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Monday 31st March 2025 - Spring term 'Our Island' Creative Home Learning due in

Wednesday 14th May 2025 - Year 1 theatre trip (More info TBC) 

Wednesday 25th June - Year 1 Educational Visit to Kew Gardens


Water and Snacks

Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Fruit will be offered to the children every morning at playtime (10.15am). Your child is allowed to bring in their own snack to eat at playtime. Please remember we are a nut-free school. 

Google Classroom

Cherries Google Classroom Link 

Pears Google Classroom Link 

Home learning


15-20 minutes daily.

Y1 Sharing book - please read this together and write a comment in the Reading Record. A new sharing book will be sent home every Monday. Please return this book every Monday so that we can rotate the books and send new ones home. They have a shiny sticker on the front to make them easy to identify. 


Collins ebook - these will be allocated at the end of each week so the children can share what they have learnt in school. These ebooks are matched to each child's phonics learning in school. 

Collins Little Wandle book - same book as above. These are matched to each child's phonics learning in school and is the same book as the ebook.


Library book - these books are chosen from the library by your child. Please return this book every Monday so that we can swap it for another library book.

Key words/

Phonics/ Spelling 

Here is the list of the Y1 and Y2 common exception words (words that don't follow the phonics rules). 

Common exception words Y1 & Y2 


Spellings for WB 24.2.25 - Practice reading and spelling words. These are all words featuring the sound air spelt /are/.





We don't test the children on these but we will be looking out the correct use of these words in their class work.


Please check Google Classroom to see the maths home learning for this week - this is set on a Monday.

Numbots - This can be done at home at any time. We don't allocate the work, the computer sets the questions based on the children's answers so it is very personalised, interactive and quick. Some pupils might need help to read some of the questions.

Go to the 'Classwork' tab and then 'Autumn Term Home Learning'. 

Creative Home Learning Project

The spring term Creative Home Learning - 'Our Island' is on the class Google Classroom with further information. This is due in week beginning 31st March.


Please upload the work to Google Classroom so that children can share their work with the class.

General Routines


Return reading record, sharing book and school library book

Return Collins Little Wandle book inside plastic wallet with child's bookmark

Library - Pears children visit the school infant library in the afternoon


PE - wear PE kit to school (indoor PE)

Library - Cherries children visit the school infant library in the afternoon


Forest School -please bring wellies and a rain coat


PE - wear PE kit to school (outdoor PE)

Gardening - please bring a rain coat and a change of footwear 

Learning this week:



Addition & Subtraction (within 20) 

Learning next week:



Addition & Subtraction (within 20) 

BHSA Class Reps

Cherries Class - 


Pears Class - 


Thank you for your continued support in Year 1.