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Help and advice

Hounslow Early Help

The Hounslow Early Help Offer is a collection of services which aim to provide effective support to families as soon as difficulties start, to prevent them from getting worse. These services cover a range of areas, from parenting to health to education to support for teenagers.

Working with early help services does not mean you are involved with social services. It is about offering additional support. If things change and there is a possibility that social care may be a better service to support your family then this will be discussed with you and you will be kept involved.

Please speak to Mrs Boyadjian (Deputy Head) if you feel your family would benefit from the Early Help Offer.



Hounslow Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

This is a government’s initiative to improve access to mental health support

for children and young people.

The MHST is an integral part of Hounslow Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and will work with parents/carers of children presenting mild to moderate anxiety or behavioural difficulties.

Please speak to Mrs Nicholas (SENDCO) if you feel your family would benefit from support from MHST.

Hounslow Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS):


Information, resources and support for helping you understand how to deal with your anxiety


Information for young people about emotions and mental health.


Parents - call the parents helpline 0808 802 5544