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Governing Board

As Chair of Governors, it's my great pleasure to introduce the Belmont Governing Board and to give you a brief insight into our work on behalf of the School.

The Governing Board is a dedicated team of volunteers who are responsible for making sure the School has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction; holding the School to account for its educational performance; and ensuring its funds are well spent. 

We are parents and carers, staff, and members of the wider community. We have different backgrounds and areas of expertise, which we use to support, advise and encourage the School to be the best it can be, always looking for ways to help Belmont improve. 

The full Governing Board meets formally once a term. In addition, we have three sub-committees that meet termly to focus on particular areas: Resources, Health & Safety and Premises, and Curriculum & Achievement. We also form other panels and project teams as and when needed. 

While we don't get involved in the day-to-day operations, it's very important for us to see the School in action, and we make regular visits to classrooms, to speak with teachers and to join in School events and celebrations. Belmont's success derives from the strength of its community, and the governors take very seriously the role we play and the contribution we make.

Our work as governors aims to be as transparent as possible, and I'm always happy to talk to parents, prospective parents and others who work at and with Belmont about what we do and how we operate. Should you have any questions, then please do send me an email or contact the School office. You'll find a full list of governors and details of their roles and responsibilities below.

Gary Crichlow

Chair of Governors



Current Governor Profiles 

Governance Impact Statement 2024-25


Instrument of Government document
Governor information sheet