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GSO Test

Inspire - Nurture - Flourish



Our School believes in the importance of appropriate educational provision for pupils of all abilities, including the most able.  We plan our teaching and learning to provide the opportunity for each child to reach the highest level of personal achievement.  One of our teachers has particular responsibility as leader for gifted and talented pupils, monitoring this provision, advising colleagues and co-ordinating enrichment activities targeted to the needs of this group.  


Class teachers cater for children's needs and abilities through carefully planned and differentiated tasks and opportunities where children can develop higher order skills and take leadership roles within ongoing class activities and a suitably challenging curriculum.  Carefully chosen classroom resources and targeted extra curricular activities also support the development of this group of pupils. The School keeps a register of the areas in which children demonstrate particular gifts and talents, whether they be in English, Mathematics, Science or the Humanities, Music or the creative arts, Art, Design or Technology, Physical Education or competitive sport.


The local cluster of Hounslow primary schools works together to provide enrichment opportunities for these more able children, sometimes with secondary school involvement as well.  Recent events have included debating competitions, maths challenges and puzzle days.  There are inter-school sports competitions, sometimes leading to involvement in events such as the London Youth Games, and opportunities for children to join Hounslow music groups and perform with other local schools at public venues.



Please refer to our Policies and Procedures page.