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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Home Learning

Weekly tasks reinforce learning and regularly allow children to rehearse and practise skills and facts e.g. times tables and spellings. Details of tasks can be found on year group notice boards with some activities set on Google Classroom. 


Creative Home Learning

Each term the children in Years 1-6 are given a list of suggested activities connected to their theme e.g. Fighting for Survival (Year 2) and Why Britain? (Year 4). These activities have links with other areas of the curriculum and give opportunity to reinforce and extend learning. Children are asked to choose their own tasks, encouraging creativity and independence. These activities allow opportunity to embrace individual interests and talents. Children in Reception join in from the spring term onwards. 

Creative Home Learning is set on Google Classroom. It is also submitted on Google Classroom by attaching a file - this can be in any format e.g. a document, image or video. The children then share and celebrate their work within their year group with opportunities for self and peer evaluation. Moto may also be used to add voice feedback. All dates are shared on year group noticeboards.   

Here is an example of Year 4 Creative Home Learning projects submitted via Google Classroom.          

How to support your child


Nurturing young readers

Supporting reading

Reading with your child at KS1

Reading with your child at KS2


Ideas to help with spelling

Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check


Calculations Policy

Maths curriculum grid Y1

Maths curriculum grid Y2

Maths curriculum grid Y3

Maths curriculum grid Y4

Maths curriculum grid Y5

Maths curriculum grid Y6

Times Tables

Active Times Tables Games


Home Learning Policy

Please refer to our Policies and Procedures page.