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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Voluntary Contribution Scheme

The Voluntary Contribution Scheme (VCS) is a means of receiving donations to help provide additional income for our school from parents and carers, alumni, friends from the community and further afield.

The VCS income stream is directed at core school costs, with the exception of staff payroll. It is distinct from PTA fundraising, which is directed strictly towards additional enrichment, equipment and specific capital projects. 

  • There is no obligation to donate
  • Donations are kept in strict confidence
  • Donors have full discretion as to the amount and regularity of their giving
  • The account is held by the PTA, which is a UK registered charity

The school has discretion to spend funds where they are most needed with oversight from the Governing Body.

 Examples of what the scheme has funded recently:

  • Laptops for the two halls for projectors 
  • Headphones class set
  • Sport equipment checks and repair
  • CCTV fee and maintenance 
  • White board pens 
  • Colouring pens for the infants 
  • Individual rulers for pencil cases 
  • New tables for classrooms 
  • Window cleaning 
  • Certificates for the year e.g. star of the week, house points awards. 

PLEASE DONATE -  any amount, large or small, will make a huge difference.  

Every donation counts! 

Our goal is for every family to make a contribution, no matter how small that may be. 

How to give

 Set up a direct debit through your online banking to make a monthly contribution

The account details are as follows:


Account Number:  91206990

Sort Code: 40-02-13

Make a one off payment

To make a one off payment, either use the bank details above or parents/carers can make an easy payment via ParentPay. On all ParentPay accounts there is a payment item named ‘A Voluntary Contribution’. It is set up so that you can enter the amount you wish to donate at any time.

Gift Aid

UK resident taxpayers, contributing as individuals, can register for Gift Aid, which will give the school an additional 25% from the Government on top of the original sum donated.  

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate

We reclaim Gift Aid annually and the value each year is highly significant.

To allow us to reclaim gift aid on your donation, please fill in this short Google Form.


Donations made via a limited company qualify as charitable donations for tax purposes. 

 Payroll match funding

Many larger companies offer matched funding, i.e. your employer matches your donations, doubling the amount received by the school. It is well worth checking with your company 

Corporate Support

If you can offer us corporate support, please get in touch with our School Business Manager, Kristy Kierzkowkski, via sbm@belmont.hounslow.sch.uk