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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Outdoor Learning

Forest School


To provide a range of different opportunities for children to participate in a range of practical activities and experiences outdoors. Our ethos is provide to the children with the freedom to explore, touch, smell, listen to and feel what it is like to be in the great outdoors.


Forest school provides opportunities for the children to learn to play, explore and experience the natural world in every season and through a variety of weather conditions. It will give the children the opportunity and freedom to run, jump, climb, crawl, roll, dig, chop, sing, shout and use their creatively without the constraints of walls and barriers that may constrict them. Each class receive a 6-week programme during the school year.


Children will be able to try things out, take risks, learn to problem-solve and work cooperatively with others. The children will learn a range of practical skills like how to make a fire, how to cut wood with a variety of tools to create a range of different things as well as learning to identify some of the wonderful flowers, trees, insects and animals that populate our woodlands and outdoor areas. This will be measured through observation, pupil voice and the skills they have obtained which they can apply in activities outside school.


Y5 Art in the Forest School:





Forest School information leaflet for parents

Kitchen Garden


At Belmont we aim to provide our pupils with exciting opportunities to connect with nature. We want all our pupils to get real-life hands-on experience to grow their own food in our Kitchen Garden and learn about the beauty and wonder of the natural world.


We use our outdoor spaces for learning across the curriculum as well as providing termly gardening lessons to develop specific gardening knowledge and skills.


Our pupils are educated global citizens of the future. All pupils know about growing edible plants and are knowledgeable about their health and the environment. They have skills they can use outside school.


8.1.20   The outstanding success of the Kitchen Garden has been reported on by Chiswick Buzz.  The video captures the vision and impact of our kitchen garden gloriously.



Y1 & Y2

Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6

Key coverage and big questions

Where does my food come from?

How do plants grow?



Edible plants

Plant care



Where does my food come from?

How do plants grow?

Why are plants important?


Edible plants

Plant adaptations

The environment

Plant care

Health and Nutrition


Pupils know about…


Plant care and growth (water, sunshine)

Edible plants

Gardening equipment

Garden safety

Garden vocabulary – see Word Aware grid for KS1


Pupils know about…


Plant care and growth (water, sunshine, weather, protection)

Edible plants/parts of plants

Poisonous plants/parts of plants


Composting and decomposition

Plant survival and adaptations

Plant-based diets and nutrition

Plants role in the environment/air quality

Gardening equipment

Garden safety

Garden vocabulary – see Word Aware grid for KS2


Pupils can…


Water plants

Plant seeds

Harvest produce

Use gardening equipment (trowels, wheelbarrows etc.)

Work as a team

Be safe in the garden

Ask questions

Use vocabulary they have learnt





Pupils can…


Water plants

Plant seeds

Collect and identify seeds

Analyse soil

Care for plants (weeding, pruning etc.)

Harvest produce

Turn the compost

Use gardening equipment (trowels, wheelbarrows, secateurs, rakes etc.)

Work as a team

Be safe in the garden

Ask questions

Use vocabulary they have learnt




Planting trees and fundraising for JUST ONE TREE, November 2019

Kitchen Garden Project - The First Year