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English as an additional language


Over half of our children have English as an additional language (EAL), many speaking three or more languages in their daily life.  In 2019, our annual census showed 48 languages other than English spoken by members of our School population.  We acknowledge the value of children being fluent in more than one language and the additional dimension it brings to children's social and cultural development.  Our 'Language of the month' initiative celebrates this diversity.  Children throughout the School have the opportunity to explore other languages and learn and practise basic vocabulary such as greetings, numbers etc., often modelled by other children or adults within our community. 


We carefully monitor and track the progress of pupils with EAL to ensure they are not disadvantaged and recognise that a number of our children require additional support to acquire the same competence in English as in their home language(s).  This support is provided in class through carefully differentiated work and, where appropriate, through the additional support and specific teaching of our teacher with responsibility for EAL pupils, or one of our team of teaching assistants.

Associated policies:

  • Equality Information and Objectives
  • Quality of Education Policy
  • Early Years Foundation Stage Policy