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Pupil Leadership

School Council

Belmont School Council plays an important role in the decision making and forward planning at the school and helps all children to have a voice in whole school initiatives. As part of our drive to become a ‘Listening’ school, the School Council represents the views of all our pupils.

Each class from Year 2 up to Year 6, elect two school council representatives to be on the School Council. The School Council allows pupils to share their thoughts on the school within a formalised setting. These children have an important job of representing their peers and putting forward ideas to the Headteacher to help make the school a better place. School Council meet every two weeks to discuss a variety of issues relating to school life including fundraising ideas, competitions, ideas for clubs and the development of our new school playground.

Each class has a Bright Ideas box for all children to make suggestions which can then be brought to the School Council meeting for discussion. Decisions and information arising from these meetings is fed back to the whole school via year groups or in a whole school assembly.

The School Council always welcome visitors to their meetings such as school governors and parents as well as interested visitors.


House Captains

Year 6 children are given the opportunity to become house captains. House captains are voted for by their fellow peers in the same house as them. The children prepare a speech and share this considering why they are suited to the role. The role consists of encouraging other children in the house to earn house points, collecting weekly totals and sharing these in assemblies and organising house treats and meetings. 

We have four houses: 






Belmont Sport Committee

Children are recruited to be on the Sports Com­mit­tee every aca­d­e­mic year. The children on the Sports Committee meet with the leader of PE and School sport to discuss sporting opportunities that have taken place and new opportunities that are coming up. Additionally, they are asked for feedback about sport at Belmont and play an important role in voicing student feedback. Our Sports Committee members play a vital role in encouraging fair play and informing our young athletes about the Fair Play Charter. They are also responsible for interviewing our athletes and keeping the website updated with our latest news on our sporting events.


Digital Leaders

Children at Belmont have the opportunity to be recruited as Digital Leaders in KS2. The Digital Leaders have meetings with the leader of Computing and IT to explore new IT equipment and give feedback about computing across the school. As they are experienced working with a variety of equipment, Belmont Digital Leaders support the teaching and learning of computing from Reception to Year 6. They are responsible for supporting teachers and students during lessons when using our IT equipment, such as; chrome books, Ipads, Edbots, microbits and much more! As the year ends, Digital Leaders play a vital role in recruiting and training the next cohort of leaders to follow in their footsteps. 


Belmont Science Team 

 This team of scientists will be involved in writing a monthly newsletter filled with current science stories  for the school community. The aim is to encourage interest and engagement for science in the 'real world' and to understand the relevance of the science learnt at school. The team will also assist the science lead with STEM week and other tasks.