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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is funding given to schools to address inequalities and enable support to reach the pupils who need it most.  It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.  As an inclusive school, Belmont strongly believes that no pupil should be disadvantaged as a result of background and the consistent attainment and progress of our pupils over a number of years shows our commitment. 

At Belmont, we address barriers to the educational achievement of children eligible for this grant holistically. The main barriers include children  (some of whom have previously lived in care) who need additional support with their emotional regulation and wellbeing and children from social or economic disadvantaged backgrounds who need to have access to an equal, broad curriculum.  It is important to continuously find ways to 'close the gap' between the attainment of Pupil Premium children and their peers.

As well as funding a number of programmes and intervention groups to boost pupils' attainment and progress, we ensure that disadvantaged pupils have access alongside their peers to extra-curricular opportunities to boost their health, well-being and self-esteem, which also impacts on attendance.  A change to the eligibility criteria in 2014-15 to include children who have been 'looked after' (i.e. in care) at some point in their lives also enabled us to increase focused pastoral support and help for pupils to develop positive attitudes to themselves as individuals and to learning and relationships.  Many of the pupils eligible for the grant also have additional special educational needs and/or other needs such as English as an additional language. The impact of these initiatives is measured by the progress children in this group make in comparison to their peers as well as to their ability to access learning and attend regularly. 

Pupil Premium Reports

Pupil Premium Grant Report 2024-2027

Although the report sets the outcomes for the next 3 years, the impact of interventions/ resources or support is reviewed annually. 


Previous report: Pupil premium grant 2023