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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish


We have an excellent range of school clubs on offer for our children, giving them the the opportunity to benefit from learning new skills to enrich their curriculum. 

Clubs include a huge variety of sports, well-being, music, arts, languages, cookery and crafts.  Most clubs run after school from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, and a few run before school starts.

Clubs are mainly run by experienced external providers and a few are run by teachers. All club leaders have enhanced DBS checks and we also assess the quality of our clubs each term through observations, as well as via feedback from the children and parents.

The cost of our clubs is monitored to ensure that all children can access these opportunities.  Most are very cost effective and we provide one free club place for children who receive 'Pupil Premium'.  

Children are able to attend a club and then go to wraparound care at The Hive until 6.00pm. Staff will collect children to take them over. 

Autumn 2024 Club list 

Our list of clubs for Autumn 2024 can be viewed here:


If you have any feedback on the clubs provision at Belmont or if you are interested in running a club at our school, please email our School Business Manager at sbm@belmont.hounslow.sch.uk