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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish




Belmont has been awarded Gold level STARS accreditation.  STARS - Sustainable Travel Active Responsible Safe -  recognises initiatives to promote safe travel to and from school.  

We encourage children to walk, scoot or cycle to school and link this to our initiatives to develop habits in children for a healthy active lifestyle.   Cycle and scooter racks are available.  Walk to School week and Beat the Street are both borough initiatives which Belmont participates in to encourage active lifestyles.

Cycling is promoted at Belmont with younger children having the chance to use balance bikes in the playground.  Year6 pupil s participate in the certificated annual cycling proficiency programme, which culminates in teaching children safe cycling on local roads in preparation for transition to secondary school.

Parents and visitors to the School are reminded to park only in designated parking bays near the School for the safety of our children and community.


At Belmont, all members of staff undertake a pastoral role.  We hope that a friendly school atmosphere, regular contact with parents and sensitive relationships with the children will enable any difficulties that may arise to be dealt with quickly.  

We have a full-time Welfare Officer who oversees children's welfare, medical and dietary needs and provides first aid treatment when required, in our well-equipped welfare room.  Many of our staff are trained in paediatric first aid. 

It is very important that parents or carers let us know of any medical conditions, allergies or disabilities their child may have so that adjustments can be made.  The school is not permitted to give medication except in very special circumstances such as chronic asthma, severe allergy or an ongoing medical condition. In these instances, the Welfare Assistant meets with parents to put a healthcare plan in place.

 Supporting children with medical conditions

 First Aid Policy


 The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils is actively promoted within and beyond the curriculum.  Children learn to respect others with different beliefs, faiths or cultural background and have opportunities to share and develop ideas about their own belief system and values. This is achieved through assemblies, and through the curriculum, particularly Religious Education and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, as well as through our 'Language of the month'.

Children are encouraged to approach their learning with a sense of curiosity, imagination and responsibility, reflecting on their experiences and showing interest in the world around them.

Assemblies are an opportunity for children to reflect together on spiritual, moral, social or cultural issues presented through stories, music, poetry, drama etc.  This time is planned with careful consideration to the multi-cultural nature of the School. 

Most assemblies are held in phases  (Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2), although some assemblies are held in class.   Whole school assemblies happen approximately once a month, with a focus on the School's values.  These assemblies celebrate the contribution individuals have made to the School and wider community. 

The School embraces its diverse culture, and the opportunities available to a London school to participate in cultural opportunities, through visits to museums, parks and farms, workshops led by artists or theatre groups and wide ranging sporting and musical opportunities including borough competitions  and concerts held locally and in venues such as the Royal Festival Hall.