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Governor Profiles

Gary Crichlow – Parent Governor, Chair of Governors

Resources Committee, Safeguarding Governor


With my husband working as a teaching assistant, my serving on the Governing Board and our son attending school here, my family lives and breathes Belmont, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  I grew up in Trinidad, moved to the US for university and then to the UK for love, and I've called Chiswick home for 13 years now. I studied aerospace engineering (yes, rocket science is actually a thing!) and work in aviation finance; I love teaching and learning myself, and know first-hand how crucial high-quality educators can be to a child's development. My motivation as a governor is simple: it's to do what I can to help foster an environment where all our children grow up secure in their own skin; curious and knowledgeable about their world; and aware of all with whom they share it. 


Andrew Lebentz– Co-opted Governor, Joint Vice Chair

Resources Committee (Chair)


I’ve been a resident of Chiswick for more than 16 years. I’m a fan of Chiswick’s village feel even though it’s only a short hop into the centre of one of the world’s great cities. I recognise that Belmont is a focal point of the community, but also depends on it. My career as a journalist has taken me around the world and exposed me to different cultures, different communities and different ways of life. I have a unique insight into how schools integrate with their broader surroundings, and how best practice is a constantly evolving idea. As a co-opted governor at Belmont, I want to ensure that all pupils have the proper opportunity to express themselves, based on who they are, whatever their background. I’m a big believer in helping  children to develop their own personalities, interests and understandings, and I want to help provide the building blocks and firm foundations as they embark on life journeys and successful career paths. 


Alex Webster – Parent Governor, Joint Vice Chair

Curriculum & Achievement Committee (Chair)


I have two children attending Belmont, and joined the governing board in 2022 to get more involved with the school. As a governor my focus is not only about ensuring the children receive a great education, but also that they begin their educational journey in a great environment which promotes developing a passion for learning, and ultimately ensures they become well-prepared for the future during their time at Belmont. I also recognize the role Belmont plays in the Chiswick community and beyond, and am honored to be able to contribute to all of these things as a governor. In my professional life my career is in the aviation industry where I’ve had the opportunity to spend the past 10 years in various leadership roles around the world, most recently here in the London area. My wife and I grew up in Michigan, USA, but we’ve moved around quite a bit since then and are happy to have called Chiswick home for the past few years.


Pat Devito-French – Co-opted Governor

Health, Safety & Premises Committee (Chair),  Deputy Safeguarding Governor


As a mother of three and grandmother of 6 lively school age children, I am a passionate believer in the importance of education. I understand the vital role a school plays in a child’s personal development and life chances. This belief has only strengthened in my 40 years’ experience of the educational landscape in Chiswick. A resident since 1978, I know the Chiswick community well, I ran a successful retail business here for 11 years. I fundraise actively for the local Macmillan Cancer Support Committee, and, ever a believer in education, I am a keen (if struggling) Italian language student. Belmont’s strong academic record and innovative leadership is well known and it is rightly regarded with warmth in the community. It is wonderful to be part of this vibrant and dynamic school.



Yukiko Sugimoto – Co-opted Governor

Resources Committee


I joined the Belmont Governing Board in 2018 as a Co-opted Governor.   My background is in finance, mainly in asset management, for a leading financial institution in New York, Brussels and London.  I also served as an Advisory Board member for a Japanese multinational electronics company for over a decade.  My husband and I moved to London in 1991 and we have been residents of Chiswick since 1993; joining the Governing Board of Belmont was an opportunity to contribute to our community. There are a number of challenges for any educational institutions: excellence, creating a creative supportive environment, adapting to a changing world, but at the same time be aware of some of the contradictions, e.g., stress on the children and equity.  It is an honour to witness, and hopefully contribute to, the discussions dealing with these issues.



Marija Martinovic - Parent Governor


Fiona Skinner – Staff Governor

Curriculum & Achievement Committee


I am a committed and enthusiastic teacher who believes in inspiring students to become life-long learners and develop skills to best equip them for successful lives now and in the future. I became a class teacher at Belmont Primary School in September 2018. I decided to apply for the Staff Governor position to help support our school, develop new skills and have the opportunity to contribute to our local community. As staff governor, I serve as a useful link between our school staff and the governing body. I enjoy the oversight of school that being a staff governor provides and feel that I can contribute, in a positive way, to key decisions and discussions.