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Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Religious Education


At Belmont we aim to ensure that all children will develop an understanding of the nature of Religion, different beliefs and practices. Through this learning, they will be able to show sensitivity and respect for the beliefs and practices of others and in particular those whose faith and beliefs may differ from their own, across our multi-cultural society. The children will develop inquiring minds and the confidence to respond to ‘big questions’ as well as posing their own.



At Belmont, we follow the ‘Agreed Syllabus’ from the LA, which is called ‘Widening Horizons’ and the children learn about and learn from the main religions and Humanism. RE is taught through blocked weeks, which allows for cross-curricular links to be made. Each RE week is based around a key question which is posed to engage and stimulate learning and encourage further inquiry. The use of artefacts supports the children’s learning and shows them how to treat such articles with respect. Within the class there is a culture of respect and a ‘safe environment’ where children can explore their own responses and engage with others’ beliefs and ideas respectfully.      



RE at Belmont is assessed at the end of each unit, based on contribution to discussion, observation and recorded work in books, using grids recording if children are ‘working towards’, ‘expected’ or ‘greater depth’. The quality of the children’s work is monitored through ‘Book Looks’ which show evidence of attainment and coverage. 


Please refer to our Policies and Procedures page.