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Cave paintings uncovered in Year 3

As part of their new topic on the Stone Age, Year 3 took over the corridor outside their classrooms and created some caves with realistic boulders and rocks. Once set up, they painted the walls of their caves to tell us about life from 200o years BC.




The children told us what they thought of their tasks:


In my group we had fun drawing stick men and Stone Age symbols using sticks" Rossella

"I enjoyed panting with sticks and our fingers" Kaydn

"I found it fun making the large boulders" Ines

"I love mixing paints and adding sand like Stone Age paint" Lily

"I enjoyed using teabags to make the paper look old. It was funny when the teabag split" Katerina

"It feels like you're in a real cave" Patryk

"I enjoyed drawing a wooly rhino with my fingers. It all looks so real!" Borys