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Children's Mental Health Week

Next week, from February 5th - 9th, is Children's Mental Health Week.

The theme for this year is My Voice Matters. Throughout the week, the children will participate in a variety of discussion, role-play and writing activities, with a focus on identifying the range of different emotions we feel, putting a name to them, and understanding that it is okay to feel any and all of those emotions.

We will also be embedding the message that it is okay to talk about those feelings and have our voices heard and taken seriously. Please do reinforce this message at home as well, if the opportunity arises!

We will conclude our week with a non-school uniform day on Friday 9th, to raise money for Place2Be, a children and young people's mental health charity that provides mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling. Please do send a small donation with your child on that day.