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Climate Change Awareness Week 2019

Throughout this week we are are learning more about Climate Change and how we can help raise awareness and make a difference.


Yesterday Y4-6 listened to Dr Michal Nachmany talk about Climate Change whilst Y1-3 had an assembly from Rafela from Extinction Rebellion.  Today Reception - Y2 have met Shaun the Beekeeper and Y4 walked to Turnham Green to visit The Source Bulk Foods.  Later in the week we will be welcoming Olivia Pinnock and Professor Becky Earley, sharing information about Sustainability and Fast Fashion. 


Children across the school are also enjoying lessons in our Kitchen Garden and will be recording the song SOS which they have been practising in the last few weeks.  Each class is making a pledge which will be collected by Ruth Cadbury MP on Friday afternoon.


We would like to thank all contributors and staff and particularly Mrs Nicholas and Sara Jackson  (parent in Y1 and Y6) who has been the driving force behind this week.