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GSO Test

Inspire - Nurture - Flourish

Monday 27th January 2020- Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Finals

In December, a team of 19  Belmont athletes took part in the Hounslow sportshall athletics competition and qualified for finals. On Monday, the same Year 5 and 6 team travelled to Osterley Sports Centre to compete in the finals event. The day consisted of 2 hours of field and track events such as javelin, standing triple jump, speed bounce, obstacle relays and more! Each child competed in 4 different events and displayed their incredible sport talent throughout. 


Although we didn't receive a final medal, this group of exceptional athletes should be very proud of themselves as they showed determination, teamwork, resilience and sportsmanship over the course of the afternoon. Most importantly, we all had so much fun! 


A huge congratulations to Daisy, Devon, Nicole, Zion, Anton, Lily, Alfie, Celine, Maria-Clara, Mustafa, Kaiton, Jakobe, Ben, Talliah, Casey, Amyra, Margarita, Thandie and Florence!​