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Y3 visit the Stone Age

On Monday 29th February we went to Celtic Harmony to bring our Stone Age topic to life. First we learnt how to make a fire without matches. Then we walked to our next activity which was den making. We had to make a Stone Age shelter out of sticks and twigs. Once we were finished we went to make an arrowhead out of soap, with lollipop sticks! Then it was time for lunch, which luckily wasn't from the Stone Age! After lunch we were allowed to play for a bit.  Then we practised throwing pretend spears, which were actually sticks! Following on from that we learnt about Stone Age food and what was safe to eat or poisonous. We then ground up herbs and spices. After that we sat around a fire to hear stories. Our favourite activities were den building and spear throwing. It was a really fun day!


Bertie, Myel, Jack and Louise - Year 3