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Physical Education


At Belmont Primary School, the intention is that Physical Education (PE) is considered an essential part of education, which contributes to each child’s all-round healthy development. We aim to provide high-quality enjoyable, challenging activities, within and beyond the school day, that enable children to become physically confident and competent, experience success and grow as fit and active young people. PE and sport provide clear opportunities for children to develop and practise the School values demonstrating safety and respect.

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sports and activities and lead healthy, active lives.

Belmont also believes in the value of healthy competition. Competitive games are specified within the National Curriculum for children in Key Stage 2. Sporting success nurtures a pride in both the successful team and the School as a whole and helps to create a positive attitude towards PE within the curriculum. Children of all ages enjoy competition and playing competitively at school enables children to learn the values of good sportsmanship.



Within the School Curriculum, all children have two hours of timetabled PE each week, generally in two one hour sessions, as well as other opportunities to be physically active, including ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ (physical activity to music), inter-school sporting tournaments, Daily Mile runs, Active lessons and physical activity options during Health and Well-being week. In the Early Years, children have both structured PE sessions and child-initiated opportunities to be physically active in the outdoor learning environment e.g. using balance bicycles, climbing and building with large-scale construction apparatus. 


Further information about Sport and Staying Active can be found here


Pupil voice

I love PE because we get to work in teams to play games and matches. It is also thrilling because we practice perseverance and improve each lesson! – Gretel Year 6


My favourite day is when we have Wake Up Shake Up because it means we start our day off dancing! I love seeing all the fun dances that other children create. – Lauren Year 5


My favourite thing about PE is that we do so many different activities like yoga, football and jogging – Felix Year 1


I love Teach Active lessons because it makes English and Maths lessons really fun. We also get to work in teams and increase our fitness. – Anja Year 5 


I like doing yoga in school because it is peaceful and helps you to forget about anything bad. – Manuela Year 4 



Please refer to our Policies and Procedures page. 

Curriculum Map for PE across the School