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STEM Fortnight 2019

This first Enrichment Fortnight will have a STEM focus (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). For two weeks beginning the 25th March the whole school will take part in assemblies, workshops and special lessons linked to these subjects.


The first week focused on science. The very popular Professor Bubbleworks returned to work with R-Y6 during assemblies and workshops over 2 days. The theme this year was Journeys which linked to the National Science Week topic. Immersive Experiences Planetarium also visited us for a second year running to deliver exciting shows linked to children’s learning from N-Y6 for 2 days. In class, the children were involved in science learning linked to their current units of study as well as extra science activities from a variety of sources. We also had STEM Ambassadors visiting to work with specific classes.  At the end of the first week, children and staff across the school dressed up as scientists.


The second week had a maths and technology focus. There were coding workshops for Y3-6. Mind Missions Maths workshops were provided for Y2-6. Classes were also involved in extra IT and maths activities from a variety of sources.


Belmont parents or carers who work in science, technology, engineering or maths were invited into school to talk to classes or year groups about their work. We want the children to be aware of the range of STEM careers available and what they would need to do in order to pursue them.


Photographs from the fortnight are posted in Latest News:


STEM excitement continues...