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 Year One Notice Board

Books we are reading in class this term include: 


  The Great Big Book of Families



Book Changing next week

We will change reading books on Tuesday 7th May next due to the Bank Holiday Monday and therefore there being no school on the day we would usually do this. 


We are delighted to have a new member of staff joining us in year 1. Mrs Sroka will be supporting the children in Cherries.


We are very low on glue sticks in class so could parent's please provide a glue stick for each child. The children use these multiple times daily to stick work into their books and a good quality one works best such as 'Pritt Stick' or similar. Thank you.

PSHE - Summer Term

During the Summer Term our PSHE lessons will have a focus on Relationships and below is an outline of the topics we must cover during this module. 

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Summer 1: Relationships

Taught Knowledge:

                  Know that everyone’s family is different

                  Know that families are founded on belonging, love and care

                  Know that physical contact can be used as a greeting

                  Know how to make a friend

                  Know who to ask for help in the school community

                  Know that there are lots of different types of families

                  Know the characteristics of healthy and safe friends

                  Know about the different people in the school community and how they help

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher.


Little Wandle Reading Books

We have given out books to those children whose parents have paid the deposit AND signed the agreement. These books are in new plastic zippy wallets with a bookmark which has the child's name on it. We give these LW books out each Thursday so please can these be returned the following Thursday. This allows us time to do our 3 reads per week. We will continue to also add these books onto the E-Collins as an eBook.

If you are not sure if you have paid AND signed the consent then please see your class teacher. Some parents have paid but not signed the agreement and some had signed but not paid!

Upcoming Dates

15.5.24 - Year 1 visit to see The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre 

23.5.24 - Year 1 presentation to parents 9:30am & 2:30pm (parents attend at your preferred time not both)

26.6.24 - Year 1 visit to Kew Gardens


We have set homework for each child which is linked to our maths learning in class. This homework is set on Monday and children have a week to complete it before the following Monday. Information about the homework is on the class Google Classroom. (Links to these are below) Go to the 'Classwork' tab and then 'Autumn Term Home Learning'. 

Log-in sheets for each pupil have now been sent home. We explained to the children that the QR code for Discovery Education had to be updated therefore we have given you an updated copy. The previous QR code on the sheets you may have retained from their Reception class will no longer work. (All other log in details have remained the same.)

There is a separate sheet which has the information required to log in to MyMaths. As with all log in and personal information please keep these somewhere safe.

Year 1 Welcome Letter 2023

Spring Learning Tree 


Book bags need to be in school every Monday. There is no need to bring book bags on other days.

Daily Little Wandle phonics groups continue in Year 1. In a similar way to Reception, phonics will be taught in groups by all Year 1 staff. Three times a week the children also read with an adult as part of a smaller group. These reading sessions work on decoding, prosody and comprehension. At the end of the week, we will allocate this book to your child on the Collins website. New books will be allocated at the end of each week. Please login at home so that your child can share this with you and show you what they have been learning in school. Please add a comment in your child’s reading record every week to show this has been done. Logins will be new this year and will be written in your new reading records for easy reference.

In addition to this, every Monday your child will bring home a sharing book. These books are recommended Year 1 texts- both fiction and non-fiction. They are labelled with a shiny Year 1 sticker. Please enjoy these together. These books are returned and allocated every Monday. Please add a comment in your child’s reading record to show this has been done. Children will also visit the school infant library and choose a book to bring home. Please also return these alongside the other book on Mondays.

Water and Snacks

Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day. Fruit will be offered to the children every morning at playtime (10.15am). Your child is allowed to bring in their own snack to eat at playtime. Please remember we are a nut-free school. 

Google Classroom

Cherries Google Classroom Link 

Pears Google Classroom Link 

Home learning


15-20 minutes daily.

Y1 Sharing book - please read this together and write a comment in the Reading Record. A new sharing book will be sent home every Monday. Please return this book every Monday so that we can rotate the books and send new ones home. They have a shiny sticker on the front to make them easy to identify. 


Collins ebook - these will be allocated at the end of each week so the children can share what they have learnt in school. These ebooks are matched to each child's phonics learning in school. 

Collins Little Wandle book - same book as above. These are matched to each child's phonics learning in school and is the same book as the ebook.


Library book - these books are chosen from the library by your child. Please return this book every Monday so that we can swap it for another library book.

Key words/

Phonics/ Spelling 

Here is the list of the Y1 and Y2 common exception words (words that don't follow the phonics rules). 

Common exception words Y1 & Y2 


This week we would like your child to practise these words which will be checked in class the following week.


Spellings for WB 29.4.24 - We have set some words which recap some of the /u/ sounds (oo and yoo) we have learnt in year 1 so far. E.g. ue, ew, oo, u, u_e, etc


Please check Google Classroom to see the maths home learning for this week. Go to the 'Classwork' tab and then 'Summer Term Home Learning'. 

Creative Home Learning Project

The summer term Creative Home Learning - 'Mother Nature' is on the class Google Classroom. This is due in week beginning 15th July (TBC).

Please upload the work to Google Classroom so that children can share their work with the class.

General Routines


Return reading record, sharing book and school library book

Library - Children visit the school infant library in the afternoon


PE - wear PE kit to school (outside PE)


Forest School -please bring wellies and a rain coat

Thursday Return Collins Little Wandle book inside plastic wallet with child's bookmark

PE - wear PE kit to school (indoor PE)

Gardening - please bring a rain coat and a change of footwear 

Learning this week:

SPAG - Days of the Week (proper nouns)

Non-Fiction- Sir David Attenborough


Number - Fractions

Learning next week:

Non-Fiction- Sir David Attenborough


Number - Fractions

BHSA Class Reps

Cherries Class - 

Paula Cornelio (Oliver A's mum), Giordano (Joe) Suergiu (Leonardo S's dad), Michelle Yu (Charlotte's mum) and Chloe Morris (Issy’s mum)

Pears Class - 

Marija Martinovic (Mila's mum), Luciana Pop (Leo Pop's mum) and Despina Kyriakidou (Antigoni's mum)

Thank you for your continued support in Year 1.