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Year Five Notice Board

   Class Reading Books for Summer Term




Thank you
We would like to wish you a happy holiday and have a great, relaxing break. 
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful, generous cards and gifts, what lucky teachers we are!
It's been a wonderful year and we wish you all the best.
Love The Year 5 Team
International Week
This year we are celebrating International Week during the week of the 8th July, incorporating the creative arts within this.

Year 5 have been designated Australia for this. It will be an opportunity to look at different cultures and how art and music is used to represent certain animals, beliefs, traditions and celebrations within those countries.  
Across the week , we will:
  • complete an art activity for that country involving an Australian artist
  • organise a ‘food of Australia’ tasting session (Please donate a gold coin and we will use that to buy something for the children to taste).
  • listen to and experiment with Australian music
  • Are any parents from Australia/or have an affinity towards it that may like to come in and share a traditional story, teach a dance etc or something else you feel comfortable doing? If so, send a message in to your child's teacher.
  • Children can wear the colours of the Australian flag to school on Friday 12th July.
Any questions, please ask.
Parents, please go to Google Classroom for important PGL information. We require a response by 5/7/24.
Wednesday 3rd July - Parent drop in and community party
Healthy snack - please remember the children should have a healthy snack for morning playtime.
Glue Sticks! Calling all glue sticks! Please send in a glue stick for your child to use. 
Reading record - please can you remind your child to write in it and bring it to school every Monday. 

PSHE and Relationships learning

In the Summer term we will begin teaching PSHE and Relationships learning. Below is an outline of the areas covered in the Year 5 curriculum for the Relationships module.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Summer 1: Relationships

Taught Knowledge:

Know that there are rights and responsibilities in an online community or social network
Know that there are rights and responsibilities when playing a game online
Know that too much screen time isn’t healthy
Know how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with friends
Know that a personality is made up of many different characteristics, qualities and attributes
Know that belonging to an online community can have positive and negative consequences.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Summer 2: Changing Me

Taught Knowledge:

Know how girls’ and boys’ bodies change during puberty and understand the importance of looking after themselves physically and emotionally
Know that sexual intercourse can lead to conception
Know that some people need help to conceive and might use IVF
Know that becoming a teenager involves various changes and also brings growing responsibility
Know what perception means and that perceptions can be right or wrong

Key Vocabulary: Body image, Self-image, Looks, Personality, Perception, Self-esteem, Affirmation, Comparison, Oestrogen, Fallopian Tube, Cervix, Develops,  Breasts, Hips, Adam’s Apple, Scrotum, Genitals, Hair, Broader, Wider, Semen, Erection, Ejaculation, Urethra, Wet dream, Growth spurt, Larynx, Facial hair, Pubic hair, Hormones, Scrotum, Testosterone, Circumcised, Uncircumcised, Foreskin, Epididymis, Fertilised, Unfertilised, Conception, Sexual intercourse, Embryo, Umbilical cord, IVF, Foetus, Contraception, Pregnancy, Sanitary products, Tampon, Pad, Towel, Liner, Hygiene, Age appropriateness, Legal, Laws, Responsible, Teenager, Responsibilities, Rights

Please note vocabulary from previous years will be consolidated.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher.


Sycamore - Ms Beatty
Chestnut - Miss Lee
Support Staff
Mrs Lofts

Water Bottles 

Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school with them each day so that they can hydrate regularly throughout the day.

Reading for Pleasure books for class
As part of our focus on reading in school, we would like to develop the lending library of books within each class. This will enable the children to foster a passion and love of reading at Belmont and ensure that they have access to high quality texts.
Please find links to two book lists that have a variety of books that we would love to have in class.  Once a book has been donated to the class we will add a tick to show we now have it.  Please check the list to ensure that the book that you would like to donate is one that we don't already have.

These books will be stamped to show who has generously donated them and shared with all the class.

The books come from the Recommended Books for Year 5


French update at the bottom of this page.


Language of the Month

Our language of the month for July is Japanese.

Click on the image below to log on to Linguascope, where you can learn and practise online! Remember, the log in details can be found on Google Classroom.



 Word Aware

Our topic this term is Circle of Life

Please see the attached vocabulary list for our new topic. This list is part of an initiative called Word Aware that we are using in school. We thought it would be helpful to share this list so that you can use some of these words at home when discussing the topic. If your child speaks a different language at home it would be helpful to discuss and translate these words using your home language. 

Word aware grid

Summer Year 5 learning tree


Knowledge Organisers

Further information about the learning in history and geography is available on our new Knowledge Organisers. These are available on the Chestnut and Sycamore Google Classrooms in the Classwork tab. 


Play Like Share information



As you may be aware Belmont uses a cursive handwriting scheme for those children who can consistently form all non-cursive letters correctly.
Here is a link to the handwriting guidelines to enable you to support your children practising letter formation at home. 

Belmont Handwriting Guidelines

 Cursive handwriting sheets to print

Cursive handwriting sheets to print 2




Homework and reading records due 

Spelling dictation


PE: Outdoor


PE: Indoor

French: Sycamore 


 French: Chestnut



Calendar/ Key dates

School Diary


Home Learning

Home learning will be set via google classroom and using Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP books. For further information about Home Learning and ideas on how to support your child please click here


Daily (at least 20 mins)

Reading Record books must be brought into school on a Monday to be checked.  We encourage children to write a reflective comment when they have read. Children are encouraged to read aloud often to an adult and discuss what they have read. Children should share their opinions, inferences and/or predictions about what they read. Children are able to change their reading book whenever they need to. 

Y5 Recommended reading list 

Grammar & Punctuation Set on Wednesday and due back on Monday.

Set on Wednesday and tested through dictation the following Monday. The word-lists for years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 are a mixture of words learners frequently use in their writing and those which are often misspelled. Some of the listed words may be thought of as quite challenging, however with enough practise and resilience we know you will get the hang of them! 

Year 3 and 4 Word List

Year 5 and 6 Word List

Maths Set on Wednesday and due back on Monday.
Times Tables

Please find below two links to games online for times tables practise. An alternative way for children to practise their speed and accuracy! There are options to practise a particular number or to have mixed questions, enjoy!

Times tables speed test: https://www.timestables.co.uk/speed-test/

Hit the button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Times Tables Challenges can be printed here.

Creative Home Learning On Google Classroom
This week: 
Grammar & Punctuation  Please see Google Classroom for your task
Maths  Please see Google Classroom for your task

Year 5 Spelling Words - Unstressed Vowels

1) desperate

2) factory

3) different

4) business

5) frightening

6) library

7) describe

8) secretary

9) jewellery

10) parliament



Learning in school this week:
English Setting description
Maths Decimals and Measures
Learning in school next week:
English Setting description
Maths Decimals and Measures



French homework is optional but we recommend children use Year 5's French Google Classroom, Linguascope and Belmont's French Website to consolidate what has been taught in class.

French Google Classroom

French Google Classroom

All year 5 children have be invited to their French Google classroom where they can find French tasks and activities. 

Belmont French Website

Belmont French Website

Go to Belmont's French website to find out what we have been doing in class and for extra activities and videos. The French website is updated regularly. Children must login to their Belmont Google account to access the website.



 We recommend children use Linguascope regularly to learn French and other languages. The Linguascope link and log in details can be found in year 5's French Google classroom.